Investing in excellence

Security and quality of service are key to our proposition. While others may see certifications and external evaluations as unnecessary cost and inconvenience, we see them as investments and validations of our processes.


ISO 14001 – Environmental Management

View Certificate

ISO 27001 – Information Security Management Certified

View Certificate

ISO 9001 – Quality Management

View Certificate

CN-SP Certificate of Compliance

View Certificate

PSN Connectivity Service Compliance Certificate

View Certificate

Cyber Essentials Certified

View Certificate

Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

View Certificate

ISO 20000 – IT Service Management

View Certificate

ISO 22301 – Business Continuity Management Certified

View Certificate


  • PCI Compliant hosting services
  • PCI compliant for Managed Firewall service
  • Authorised to process HM Government data protectively marked ‘Official-Sensitive’
  • PSN accredited for the provision of Infrastructure as a Service
  • Accredited to store patient data for and behalf of the NHS
  • HSCN connectivity partner (CN-SP)
  • Assessed as exceeding the Standard for the NHS Digital DSPT (Data Security and Protection Toolkit) Assessment
  • Compliant Commercial Third Party (NACS Code YGMAP)
  • GCloud approved supplier
  • Janet Telephony framework (JTPS) approved supplier
  • Accredited to connect to and supply services over Janet into all connected institutions and organisations


0800 983 2522 sayhello@redcentricplc.com