Securely connecting you to the Public Services Network.

Public Services Network (PSN) Connectivity

The Public Services Network (PSN) is the government’s high-performance IT network. Designed to help public sector organisations work together, reducing duplication and allowing resources to be shared and accessed by PSN-compliant services.

Redcentric is an approved PSN compliant and connectivity supplier, allowing you to purchase secure network and cloud services with the peace of mind that these meet data protection requirements and operate to the approved government standards.

The value of PSN services

Our heritage of working with the public sector ensures we are fully tuned into your unique requirements, allowing us to deliver a significant set of benefits, including:

Highly Resilient Icon

Highly resilient service

Access to a nationwide, high-speed and resilient MPLS network that provides you with highly reliable connectivity into the public services network.

Secure By Design Icon

Secure by design

An operation that works to Cabinet Office standards and the highest level of ISO accreditation, giving you peace of mind that our services are secure by design.

Enabling Cloud Efficiencies Icon

Enabling cloud efficiencies

Support from our network of UK data centres, offering you a full range of PSN connected cloud services that allow you to accelerate your cloud adoption and strategies.

Reducing Capital Expenditure Icon

Reducing capital expenditure

Utilisation of our PSN connected IaaS, which reduces your capital expenditure and releases your budget to focus on delivering citizen focused services.

Ensuring Continuity Icon

Ensuring continuity

A full range of geographically resilient cloud services, cloud back-up and disaster recovery capabilities that enable you to assure the availability of your service to the public.

Connecting The Public Sector Icon

Connecting the public sector

The benefit of connecting every part of your services, allowing you to work closer and share vital services with other providers.

Towards a cloud-enabled public sector infrastructure

This guide discusses the move within local and central government to on-demand IT services, outlining the five ‘must have’ factors that will enable the public sector to embrace the cloud.

Discover more

Redcentric PSN services

We deliver a wide range of services connected over the PSN:

  • Wide Area Networking & connectivity
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service
  • Platform-as-a-Service
  • Software-as-a-Service
  • Cloud back-up
  • Disaster recovery

Why Redcentric for PSN services

We are proud of our success and track record in the public sector. This spans central government departments such as Legal Aid Agency and NHS Digital, through to Local Government institutions including West Berkshire Council, housing associations including Coastal Housing, as well as many education and healthcare environments.

Through the combination of our networking and cloud services we are enabling the public sector to embrace digital; leveraging the cloud to allow them to be more agile, utilising our managed services to assure the availability of their services and allowing them to work smarter by connecting every part of their organisation through the PSN.

Discuss your needs

To find out more about the services we offer through the PSN and how we can meet your specific needs, simply complete the form and we will connect you with one of our public sector specialists.

PSN form

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0800 983 2522