The increasing cyber threat landscape means that many organisations are prioritising their cybersecurity to ensure they can respond effectively when an incident occurs. It all boils down to having the right strategy in place. By identifying potential issues before they escalate into full-blown crises, we help our clients address vulnerabilities early on. This proactive approach means that when we deliver a project, it’s not only functional but also secure, protecting the organisation from financial loss and safeguarding its reputation.
We work closely with our customers to tailor their cybersecurity measures to the specific needs of their business. For example, a large bank may require extensive security protocols, whereas a smaller business might need a more streamlined approach. Our goal is to thoroughly understand the business and align our security recommendations, ensuring that our clients are protected at the appropriate level. As I often say, ‘Optimism is not a suitable defence against a cyber-attack.’ Our focus is on building a strong, realistic defence that matches each organisation’s unique requirements.
Our clients often face the challenge of having small, overstretched IT teams that struggle to manage both their business-as-usual operations and new projects. Many don’t have dedicated cyber security personnel. My team is dedicated to building cyber security awareness and providing support that goes beyond just delivering a project. For instance, we offer IT recovery tests on a rolling basis or act as an ongoing cybersecurity function for our clients. This approach helps build enduring relationships and saves them the overhead of hiring expensive cyber security experts.