Paul McKenna
Cloud Product Manager

I’ve been working in the technology sector for over 16 years, mainly in the financial services sector, for HMRC and for data centre companies. At Redcentric my role is to identify your needs within the context of the wider marketplace and architect the right cloud technologies to meet your requirements. As part of this, I liaise with the wider Redcentric team and the technical team to deliver these solutions.


I’m currently working on delivering a dedicated cloud storage platform to support Storage as a Service (STaaS). Recently, the changes to VMware licensing resulting from the Broadcom acquisition of VMware, have resulted in large price increases for customers using VMware for storage. Myself and the Redcentric team are focused on working with customers to move them to a new more cost-effective storage model and transition them to STaaS which offers a futureproof platform that will evolve to reflect the latest technologies and changing customer requirements.

Two large high-street retail customers had been using a range of different storage solutions, which when initially procured met their needs, but with market changes and evolving needs, were proving to be very costly. Virtual machines used to store data had become a very expensive way of storing large volumes of transactional data which they needed to copy and archive, but which was rarely accessed. Recent changes to VMware licensing meant a new solution was critical to avoid further increases in cost.

Redcentric have worked with their customers to:

  1. Ensure that they were using the right storage tool for the type of data
  2. Ensure that the storage performance tier aligned with the frequency and importance of data access
  3. Reduce storage costs by reducing the number of virtual machines used for storage of non-critical data and by optimising and right-sizing storage

These two customers have now adopted STaaS and have storage space allocated on a shared cloud platform managed by Redcentric. This allowed them to reduce storage TCO through improved utilisation and to pay on a flexible consumption basis which means they can easily increase capacity over time as required.

The STaaS service means that both customers have access to dedicated storage expertise and vendor discounts, reduced licence management and a simplified procurement process, saving them time and effort.

Are you having any cloud challenges? If anything above sounds familiar, we’d love to help you.

Please reach out to your account manager or marked for the cloud team’s attention.

We’re here to help and give you our expert advice.

Click into some of our key team members to find out more about their product area and projects they’re working on

Steve O’Brien

MD – Cloud & Cyber Security

Michael Dale

Head of Product – Cloud

Darren Adcock

Senior Cloud Product Manager

Warren Ward

Microsoft Product Manager


0800 983 2522