As we head towards the upcoming Festive Period, we understand that many customers will now require telephone schedules putting in place to reflect their opening hours during these bank holiday periods.

If you are unable to carry out the required changes through the preferred self-service option, and require assistance to add or amend schedules, please make the Redcentric Support team aware in advance so we can process all requests accordingly.

When raising your request, please be sure to have the below information ready:

– What are the current open / close times?
– What are the new open / close times?
– On what date(s) should the new open / close times be made live?
– What is the end date for the new open / close times?

To guarantee all requested schedules are processed in time for this period, we politely request that all submissions are sent on a single request to our Support team before Friday 15th December 2023.

Redcentric remain on hand to support our customers during this period.

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0800 983 2522