Redcentric Marketing

Why Redcentric For Cloud Migration

Top 10 tips for disaster recovery planning

Essentially, the key to Disaster Recovery success is having a realistic and well understood set of objectives that are based on the business needs. This involves planning and preparation, from the...

Why Redcentric Managed Backup Service

Top 10 tips for data recovery planning

What would happen to your business if you experienced a catastrophic data loss? Would your business survive? The statistics are alarming, 43% of businesses never re-open after a major disaster. A well...

Our Partnership Focus

Business impact levels

At Redcentric we’ve a long history of doing business with the public sector, and like anyone else working within this sector we’re well aware of the Government’s Business Impact...

Why Redcentric for Supply Chain Management

Top 10 tips for data archiving

Given the rate of data growth along with the increasing importance of business information, a cost effective, offsite data archiving service can deliver significant business benefits. A good data...

Why Redcentric Implementation

Orchestrating cloud transformation

These are interesting times for public sector ICT teams. On the one hand, you have Government progressively moving the narrative towards ‘Cloud Native’ – an aspiration for ‘born in the...

Doctor talking to nurse in a hospital

Why HSCN is better than N3

As of April this year, all health and care organisations will fully transition to the Health and Social Care Network (HSCN), leaving N3 a thing of IT past. For over fifteen years, N3 has provided a...

Why Redcentric For Cloud Migration

Top 10 tips for choosing a data backup service

Data backup is required by all businesses. With legal requirements tightening and data volumes growing out of control, traditional tape backup is no longer a reliable or cost effective means of...



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